Friday, 7 September 2012

Baby Banana Brush

Baby Banana toothbrush is here!

Baby Banana Brush ni diperbuat daripada 100% medical grade silicone yang takde toksik, lembut dan fleksibel. Comel tu of cos la kan... that what attracts me, the cute banana design.

And guess what, we both love it!

I for once, love it because Razin enjoys 'brushing' his teeth with it. And the unique banana brush can also be used as teether. The brush also teach my son to be independent... leh berus sendiri je. Tak risau sangat cos berus tu memang lembut. Very safe.

Maka, I don't really mind when Razin wants to brush on his own. Tak bagi kita tolong, dia nak berus gigi sendiri. Tak caya tengok video bawah ni... hehe

The one that Razin used in the video is the Original Baby Banana Brush.

Ni features dia:

The premier toddler training toothbrush was designed to be flexible and bendable so that
kids would not be able to injure their mouths on traditional hard plastic toothbrushes. The
medical grade silicone makes this brush durable and safe, while the small bristles massage
teeth and gums. This brush is intended for children over 12 months of age.
  • 100% medical grade silicone
  • Dishwasher safe for sanitizing
 Best part yang aku underline tu... sebab dah pernah dah Razin gosok entah camana dia tertolak kuat sangat kat gusi sampai nangis-nangis menjerit sakit. Yela, before this pakai standard toothbrush yang plastik keras tu.

Now this one is better. Boleh bengkok-bengkokkan tanpa patah. Totally worth the price cos selain guna untuk berus gigi, boleh jadi teether jugak sebab the whole body is made of 100% medical grade silicone.

There's another one!


 So cute, right? :D

Baby Banana® Brush: Teether/Toothbrush (4″ x 8″ x 1″)

These “a-peel-ing” handles are irresistible to babies (and parents). Babies love to be able to
hold this brush on their own, and the handles provide an easy way to loop a binki strap
through when kids need a little help. This version is intended for children under 1 year of age.
  • Infant Teether and Toddler Toothbrush in one, with “peel” handles; able to hold a binky strap
  • 100% medical grade silicone; dishwasher safe for sanitizing

Walaupun tulis untuk 1 year below, alaaa boleh je pakai untuk 1 year above. Hihihihi... Comel sangat! Yang versi ni harganya RM45.

And paling best, boleh ajar baby start pegang berus gigi cos dia ade pemegang dari 'kulit pisang' tu. ^___^

Razin punyer yang bentuk ni belum rasmi lagi... tunggu dulu...

Your child's dental health is your responsibility, so apa salahnye belikan berus gigi ni for your lil ones. They sure will gonna love it. :)

Sila klik Mama Rafique's blog entry about child's dental health di SINI. It's true... we as parents yang kena ajar our babies on hygiene.

Lagipun awal-awal ni la kena jaga-jaga... risau gak kecik-kecik abis cepat reput gigi dia kalau tak jaga...

 Panduan pertumbuhan gigi bayi.
Razin sume gigi dah ada kecuali 2nd molar and gigi taring (canine).

Kalau tengok chart atas tu, gigi taring dia coming soon la.. hehe
(Lagi sakit la kalau kena gigit!)
You can buy Baby Banana Brush at Mama Panda Store.

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